اصطلاحات انگلیسی درباره عصبانیت

نویسنده : علی بجنوردی | زمان انتشار : 05 آذر 1400 ساعت 19:15

Indignation /Anger

A EXAMPLES (Read, Discuss, and Practice) 

A مثال‌ها (بخوانید ، بحث کنید و تمرین کنید)

Asking about Indignation/Anger

پرسش در مورد عصبانی شدن

What's the matter?

مشکل چیه؟

What's happened?

چی شده؟ 

What do you look so insulted about?

چرا چهره ات طوریه که انگار بهت توهین شده؟

Why are you acting so insulted?

چرا طوری رفتار می کنی انگار بهت توهین شده؟

Did I insult you?

بهت توهین کردم؟

Are you angry about something?

از چیزی عصبانی هستی؟

Are you angry with me?

از دست من عصبانی هستی؟

What are you so angry about?

از چی عصبانی هستی؟

You look pretty p-o'ed about something.

انگار یک چیزی بدجور رفته رو مخت. 

Telling not to be Angry

دعوت دیگران به آرامش 

Calm down.

آروم باش.

Take it easy.

سخت نگیر.

Don't let it bother you.

اجازه نده اذیتت کنه. 

Maybe you're a little too sensitive about it.

شاید داری یکم زیادی حساسیت به خرج میدی. 

Don't be so touchy.

اینقدر حساس نباش! 

Don't be angry with me.

از دست من عصبانی نباش. از من دلخور نباش.

Temper, temper.

خونسرد باش، خونسرد باش. 

Let's try to hold our temper.

بیا خونسردیمون را حفظ کنیم. 

Don't get hot under the collar.

حرص نخور. خودخوری نکن. 

Getting angry won't help.

عصبانی شدن چیزی را حل نمیکنه. 

Expressing indignation/Anger

ابراز عصبانیت / خشم

Well, I've never. . .

خب من هیچ وقت...

I've never been so insulted in all my life, Who are you to say such a thing to me?

تا این لحظه از زندگیم، اینقدربهم توهین نشده بود. تو اصلا کی هستی که همچین حرفی به من بزنی؟

Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black?

دیگ به دیگ میگه روت سیاه.

What do you mean I did a terrible job? Are you trying to tell me I'm not good enough for your club?

منظورت چیه کارم افتضاح بود؟ داری بهم میگی که من لیاقت باشگاه شما را ندارم؟ 


لعنتی! گندش بزنن! 

Oh, hell!


You turkey!


You son of a . . .

ای مرتیکه / زنیکه ...! 

You're getting me angry . . .

داری من را عصبانی می کنی...

I'm starting to get angry . . .

دارم عصبانی میشم...

1... 2... 3... 4...


Are you trying to make me angry?

داری سعی می کنی من را عصبانی کنی؟

You piss me off.

بدجور گند می زنی به اعصابم.

You burn me up. 

اعصابم را خرد می کنی. 

B MODELS (Read, Discuss, and Perform the following model dialogues)

B نمونه ها (بخوانید، بحث کنید و مکالمه های ذیل را اجرا نمایید)

1. Two office workers are talking in their office.

OW 1: Hey, Marty, what's the matter? You look pretty angry about something. What is it?

OW 2: I tell you . . . I've never been so insulted in all my life.

OW 1: Why? What happened?

OW 2: I was just in to see the boss about my idea for making the office run a little more efficiently . . .

OW 1: Yeah . . .

OW 2: She said she wasn't interested, and didn't want to talk about it even.

OW 1: Well, don't let it bother you. It's not worth it.

OW 2: That's easy for you to say. You weren't insulted.

OW 1: Well, don't forget, she's having a pretty hard time now . . .

2.  A son comes in the house and talks with his father and mother.

S: Hey, Dad. I finished cleaning the yard. Can I go now?

F: Wait a minute. Let me see. (He goes to the window.) Steve, that's a lousy job. Keep working on it.

S: (Angrily) What do you mean it's a lousy job?

F: (More angrily) It looks terrible. Look for yourself.

S: I don't need to look. It's O.K. . . .

F: Are you trying to tell me that that's the best you can do?

M: (Entering the room) O.K. Temper, temper, you two. Calm down. What are you arguing about?

3.  A college student comes storming into the apartment.

CS1: Oh, damn it!

CS 2: What are you so angry about?

CS 1: I'm late for my interview and my car won't start.

CS 2: Well, getting angry isn't going to help. What's wrong with it?

CS 1: I think the battery's dead . . .

C SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES (Discuss and Perform)

فعالیت های پیشنهادی (بحث و اجرا کنید)

How might you handle the following situations?

1. You're waiting for a friend at a restaurant, and he/she is 40 minutes late, as usual. He/she finally comes in.

2. Two women are walking along the street and one bumps into a man coming from the opposite direction. He remarks that she's overweight and should watch where she's going. 

3. You're going out on a date, you've just taken a shower, and you want to dry your hair. The hair drier doesn't work.

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